Women’s Bank awarded internationally

Chair of Women’s Bank Steering Group, Ritva Ohmeroluoma, was nominated among the three finalists in the Outstanding Volunteer category of the Global Awards for Fundraising 2012 competition.

The Global Awards for Fundraising is the most noted among prizes in innovative fundraising. This was the first time Finnish volunteers were acknowledged internationally for their contributions.

Reeta Sabharwal from the Action For Autism received the first prize for raising funds for the autistic in India. The prizes were awarded in Holland in connection with an international fundraising conference.

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“We ranked among the top three, in the distinguished and inspiring company of volunteers from different parts of the world! It was wonderful representing Women’s Bank, which is a Finnish innovation and already at this stage of its existence receives international recognition. It would have been even greater to recieve it together with all the 3,000 volunteers. This is definitely something we need to celebrate together,” Ritva Ohmeroluoma enthused right after the event.

Women’s Bank raises funds to support women’s entrepreneurship and livelihood in developing countries. The Women’s Bank fund and its projects are managed by Finn Church Aid.

For more information:
Ritva Ohmeroluoma, Chair of Women’s Bank steering group, tel. 050 330 9214.
Jaana Hirsikangas, Coordinator of Women’s Bank volunteer network, tel. 040 704 6726.


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