What makes Women’s Bank special

We are a strong community
Founded in 2007 by Finnish women, Women’s Bank is a community of donors, volunteers, partners and women in our programme countries. We share a passion to promote women’s access to work and business opportunities.
We invite everyone to join us to promote equality
Every year we reach up to one million Finns through various communication channels and events. Everyone is invited to join us! So far, we have raised 22 million euros. With donated funds, we can support 30,000 women in Africa and Asia every year.
We create opportunities for women
We offer vocational training and support women’s business activities and networks. Women’s own savings and loan groups and cooperative funds are paramount, as they enable women to take out small loans and build better financial and business skills.
Women make change happen
Work and personal income give women the financial power to influence the direction of their lives. It also enables women to make their voices heard in their families and communities. Women’s participation and a more equal position drives positive change in societies.
Written by: Eija Wallenius
Photo: “Having our own income has made us women more empowered at home,” says Naume Kyomuhendo, chairperson of a women’s savings and loan group in Uganda. Photo credit: Antti Yrjönen