Training opens the way to entrepreneurship

“You should give up, business is only for men.” This is a phrase that Sylvia Namugenyi, 32, heard too many times.
Life in rural Mityana, Uganda was not easy, and the businesses Sylvia started failed time and time again. However, she never gave up.
Sylvia’s determination led her to the saving and loan group of Women’s Bank in the area. There, she participated in trainings on business and saving.
– I hadn’t gone to school, but I was eager to learn and show that I can do just as well as the men and even better! Sylvia says.
– I learned numeracy and to put money aside from my income; it was a turning point in my life.

Customers have found their way to Sylvia’s shop.

Sylvia now has a hair salon and a small shop that guarantee her family’s income.
The trainings paid off as Sylvia now has a successful hair salon, in addition to which she sells groceries and shoes. Sylvia is not the only one whose life has changed with the success: The income has meant that her children have been able to go to a better school.
– Before, our children thought that their future was to sell bread on the street. Now, they dream of being teachers one day, Sylvia says proudly.
Text: Saana Heikkala
Photo: Hugh Rutherford