
Everyone can change the world – Anna Litewka-Anttolainen

Anna Litewka-Anttolainen, age 40, Oulu  “I’m originally from Poland. I moved to Finland in pursuit of love. I’ve lived in...

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Everyone can change the world – Liisa Kapanen

Liisa Kapanen, age 66, Helsinki  “I had decided to get involved in volunteer work as soon as I retired. I...

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Tailoring course opened my eyes

Nway Nway Latt lives in the village of Hta-neen in the municipality of Pyapon in South West Myanmar. The 21-year-old...

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Women’s Bank celebrated its 10 years in May 2017 – The event raised 13 000 euros

Several of the Finnish women who are founding members of Women’s Bank took part in the celebrations in May. The...

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Visiting Women’s Bank entrepreneurs in Bhattedanda

We had the possibility to meet 2 entrepreneurs. The first women entrepreneur was Bibi May Ghalan, 35 years old. She...

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10 million euros raised!

In August the volunteer network Women’s Bank accomplished its goal of raising ten million euros for improving the future of...

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Women’s Bank has raised ten million euros!

In August the volunteer network Women’s Bank accomplished its goal of raising ten million euros for improving the future of...

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A livelihood from doughnuts

With the assistance and training of the Buchanan Mother’s Club, Mercy Gardea can now make and sell doughnuts and has...

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Laxmi is a female entrepreneur from Nepal

Initially, vermicompost was laughed at Laxmi Shresthan’s home village, but today, compost fertilizer sales help her support her family, and...

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