
Nainen työstää taikinaa pesuvadissa.

Madina’s family bake their way out of Kampala slums

CLAY PATHS crisscross a densely built area of low-rise housing and market stalls. Walking on the streets of the Ugandan...

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Sinipaitainen nainen katsoo suoraan kameraan.

Manifesto: 5+1 things everyone should know about women’s work

1. Work is a human right Every woman should have the right to decide their own path. Poverty and inequality...

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Nainen kävelee pellolla selkä kameraan päin.

Why is social responsibility so important to us?

Women’s Bank’s programme work is put into action by Finn Church Aid (FCA). Together we hold ourselves responsible to each...

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Esraa bakes a future for her family

Esraa Al-Sehaiti, runs a business called Arabiscuit, which spe-cialises in sweet surprises. Her signature pastries include Sweet Burger – a...

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Joukko ihmisiä ilmapallojen kanssa kesäätyneenä yhteiskuvaan.

Greetings from Dubrovnik!

The beginning in Dubrovnik Women’s Bank Dubrovnik started their activities in 2015, with the Women’s Bank Walk event, thanks to...

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Change has a female face

Imagine a situation where your husband has gone abroad for work. You have lost contact with him months ago, you...

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Women’s Bank organisation

Women´s Bank forms its own unit that operates within Finn Church Aid’s (FCA) resource mobilisation, fundraising and communications department. The...

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Mies istuu sohvalla ja katsoo hymyillen kameraan.

Monthly donors and volunteer groups Corporate collaboration are the beating heart of Women’s Bank

Women´s Bank operations are regularly supported by 3,400 active monthly donors. Up to a third of Women’s Bank’s annually raised...

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Nuori nepalilainen opiskelijatyttö Srey Ny katsoo kameraan huoneessaan.

Srey Ny dreams of becoming a writer

Srey Ny, 19, is about to graduate from high school in Cambodia. She lives in the village of Kralanh, 55...

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Children’s well-being comes first

The mountain village of Ghushel is located in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. It has a population of 2,000 people....

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