
Nainen istuu hymyillen pienen kaupan edustalla ja pitää kädessään muovisandaalia.

Training opens the way to entrepreneurship

“You should give up, business is only for men.” This is a phrase that Sylvia Namugenyi, 32, heard too many...

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Sivuprofiilikuva naisesta.

What makes Women’s Bank special

We are a strong community Founded in 2007 by Finnish women, Women’s Bank is a community of donors, volunteers, partners...

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A group of four people sit on the floor of a room with bamboo walls around a small table covered in papers. They are talking. On the wall hangs a banner with writing in Burmese and the logos of the Kaw Lah Foundation, Women's Bank and FCA

Women-led businesses are bringing change in Myanmar

Nestled in the Kayah-Karen Mountains range are the Kayin Highlands. The area has been plagued by armed conflicts between the...

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Tyttö katsoo kaukoputkella.

“Never give up” – Sreynut’s story

Nhoch Sreynut, a 20-year-old civil construction student, was born as the second daughter of a family in Banteay Meanchay province...

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Tyttö katsoo tietokoneen ruutua.

Sreypov’s dream is to work as an ICT teacher

23-year-old Noeun Sreypov was born in the village of Svaychantun, but she and her brother moved, which is an hour’s...

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Six women pose for a photo holding trays

Fly larvae help Nepalese women create innovative sustainable business

FCA and Womens’ Bank BUZZ project in Nepal uses larvae from the Black Soldier Fly as alternative animal feed due...

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Nainen ruuvimeisselin kanssa.

Kakada’s dream is to support her own village community

On Monday mornings, Noeun Kakada‘s mother rides her first-born’s by motorbike around 40 kilometers from the Thmey village to the...

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Nainen nojaa parvekkeen kaiteeseen.

Hold on to your dreams – Sokna’s story

In the morning, you can hear the rumbling of motorbikes from the yard of a vocational school near the center...

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Nainen värikkäissä vaatteissa seisoo heinäarolla.

Supporting girls and women in the climate crisis

In Cambodia, we train women to cultivate climate-friendly crops and use water-saving irrigation methods. In Kenya, women learn to make...

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Nainen hymyilee pensaiden keskellä.

Opportunities drive change

A few years ago, Daw Thein Kywe, 49, decided to join the Women’s Bank Saving and Loan Group in her...

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