Women’s entrepreneurship strengthens whole communities
Versatile and sustainable entrepreneurship is the most effective way to strengthen gender equality and to decrease global poverty. A company donation secures access to business education for women in vulnerable positions.
Why is your company needed?
World poverty hits women and their children hardest. The work carried out by women is often unseen and unpaid and their access to education restricted. Securing education and access to her own income are the most sustainable ways for women to gain financial independence.

Esraa Al-Sehaiti from Syria runs her own bakery business. She received entrepreneurship training from Women’s Bank in Jordan.
Over the course of 14 years, Women’s Bank has supported for over 80 000 women in 17 countries. The impact on over 400 000 children and family members has been sustainable.
Want to find out more? Please contact our team at.:
Tarja Virmala
Hanna Loikkanen
loikkanenhanna @ gmail.com
You can also donate FI63 1745 3000 1321 02
Our customer service is always happy to help: naistenpankki@kua.fi / tel. +35820 787 1201