
Reeta Meriläinen heads Women’s Bank

During its first seven years Women’s Bank has been growing and developing with the help of its wonderful volunteers and...

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Women’s Bank volunteers meet in Jyväskylä

Women’s Bank is still a young organization and growing all the time. All the more important are these events, where...

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‘My own restaurant’

In January 2013 graduation time was once again celebrated in the vocational school supported by Women’s Bank in Sierra Leone....

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Empowering women in Uganda helps their whole family

Members of village banks receive a 6-months training, during which they start to save. Money is not handed out to...

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Seeing the fruit of our efforts

Our small group of volunteers is set for Uganda on a self-sponsored trip, to see for ourselves the field work...

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‘I want to bring my husband back!’

‘My name is Sangita Nepali.  I was born in Makwanpur district but after my marriage I came to Lalitpur. I...

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Women’s Bank awarded internationally

The Global Awards for Fundraising is the most noted among prizes in innovative fundraising. This was the first time Finnish...

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Women’s Bank – Fundraiser of the Year 2012

Women’s Bank’s volunteer network was chosen as the Fundraiser of the Year 2012, when The Finnish Fundraising Association (VaLa ry)...

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Women’s Bank’s political advocacy in Nepal

The country is currently undergoing a constitutional process and social structures are taking shape. Important issues include land reform and...

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Women’s Bank in Nepal

The first steps towards women’s social and economic equality in Nepal have already been taken. Existing legislation, however, is implemented...

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