
Ganga from Nepal is an entrepreneur and a role model

“My life was very difficult before the arrival of the Women’s Bank cooperative. I had a day job and earned...

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Kauneimmat rakkauslaulut

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Smaller but stronger, always joyful

The dream of Women’s Bank is alive and well. Our volunteer network has raised 7.7 million euros to support the...

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Women’s Bank in Myanmar

Myanmar (formerly Burma) is the largest country in Southeast Asia according to territory. The exact size of its population is...

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Women’s Bank Spring Meeting

Founder member Satu Meh­tälä gave the kick-off speech, taking the audience back to the pivotal trip to Liberia in 2007...

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A year of change

2014 was a year of major changes for the steering group of Women’s Bank. We reorganized roles and tasks; considered...

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Kuopio hosts fun and informative meeting for volunteers

Women’s Bank had its yearly meeting for volunteers all over Finland in october, in Kuopio. Over 40 volunteers got together...

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‘We are going to be businesswomen!’

A training programme aimed at setting up successful businesses has started in Goma, in Eastern DR Congo, funded by Women’s Bank. Women and girls taking part in the project have the opportunity to influence traditional livelihoods as well as the development of the region.

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Walk brought close to 2000 professions

Women’s Bank yearly ‘Walk a Profession for a Woman’ event this year put up funds for 1991 professions for women in developing...

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Women are the future

In January, the founder members of Women’s Bank made a trip to Sierra Leone and Liberia, where the idea of creating...

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