Women’s Bank supports women’s livelihoods
The idea behind Women’s Bank is crystal clear. In all our work, we focus on supporting women’s entrepreneurship and providing opportunities for sustained livelihoods.
We create opportunities for women to earn a living and start a business in African and Asian countries. We offer vocational training and versatile support for entrepreneurship as well as provide information about women’s rights and opportunities to make a difference.
As a result, women’s financial position has improved and their decision-making power in families and communities has increased.
Women’s Bank is a Finnish invention
Women’s Bank was founded in 2007 by a small group of Finnish women. Our network has steadily grown and now brings together thousands of donors, volunteers and corporate partners all striving for a shared goal.
All of our project work is delivered by Finn Church Aid and it’s local partners across our programme countries. In Finland, our focus is on fundraising and raising awareness.
Women’s Bank is politically and religiously non-aligned
Women’s Bank is a part of Finn Church Aid, the largest organization for international aid in Finland. Finn Church Aid manages the Women’s Bank funds, carries out fundraising, and supports the volunteer network. In addition, all Women’s Bank projects are executed by Finn Church Aid and their local partners. The selection of project regions and methods of support is done jointly by Finn Church Aid and Women’s Bank.
According to the Finn Church Aid principles, the development cooperation work in Women’s Bank projects includes all people regardless of their religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, and political stance.
How does my donation help?
With your support, women can gain an occupation, start businesses and network. In addition, you will be supporting women in adapting to climate change and acting against gender-based violence, for example.
By supporting Women’s Bank, you help us build a more equitable and sustainable world.
How do you monitor the funds?
With extreme care and transparency. Women’s Bank funds and projects are managed by Finn Church Aid. Internationally certified accountants/CPAs in each country audit the project accounts. FCA receives these audit reports, which in turn are audited and certified by FCA own accountants. All projects and local partners are carefully selected. In all phases of projects we make sure that donations are used towards the project and create the desired change.
What is Women’s Bank expenditure rate?
Women’s Bank has a low expenditure rate. In 2023 it was 16,3%. The expenditure consists of operational costs, such as communications, fundraising, facilitating the volunteer network and expenses in administration (ICT, rents, insurances).
It is important to note that operational and administrative expenses are a necessary part of executing and evaluating high-quality development cooperation as well as communicating about its results. Professional development cooperation by Finn Church Aid is done in collaboration with local partners.
Sustainable and long lasting, high-quality work that creates a positive change in women’s and their families lives is the most important factor when evaluating our results and our foremost goal.
How are the results monitored?
All Women’s Bank projects are closely monitored and we strive for active communication about their results. There are regular reports on the project outcomes and they are free to read in the Women’s Bank material bank.
Why do you support entrepreneurship?
We want to make sure that the donations create sustainable development. Entrepreneurship is an important way to create jobs and wellbeing in the developing countries and a sustainable for women to create their own livelihood.
How do you choose your projects?
The local representatives put forward a project proposal to Finn Church Aid. All proposals are evaluated and the ones that fulfill the necessary criteria can be funded.
How long do you fund a project?
The goal is to carry out long term development co-operation. Usually the projects are planned within a three-year-time frame and often builds on previous work in the specific area.
How can I find out more about Women’s Bank?
Please get in touch! tel: 020 787 1200 or email us: naistenpankki@kua.fi